Cone Blenders

  Manufactured by Apex Process Technology are based upon the unique, patented, 'Y' shaped cone offering major advantages:
The 'Y' shaped cone substantially improves the mixing quality of free-flowing powders and granules of varying size, geometry, or density, in the minimum of time, the gentle, tumble like action prevents attrition of fragile crystal structures and does not generate heat, unlike similar equipment in which the outlet is elliptical, the 'Y' cone blenders have circular outlets eliminating both bridging and the need for vibrator-assisted devices during discharge.
For more difficult solids/solids blending an agitator bar can be specified to produce a more intimate blend. Also, where liquids are to be added to the powder mix, the liquid disperser bar model presents the liquid as a finely atomized mist. Double cone blenders are also available. However for improved blending we have developed an asymmetric version, with a 'figure of eight' action, the clinocone.
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